Uncategorized Luana Borgia – Scandal in campobasso 1

February 24th, 2010 – Paolo from the city of Potenza (imaginary name and city), he won a salierixxx.com contest and took part in a transgressive weekend at Salieri Hotel Budapest. The man enters the room wearing a mask who naively believed to conceal the identity. Shortly after he was joined by a friend, who was masked too, and both of them had a meeting with the pornstar Luana Borgia. In 2012 the men will be recognized by a viewer (one of them is a very important businessman from Molise County) and they will become victims of a scandal in their hometown, Campobasso, that will echo throughout Italy. SALIERI HOTEL – The Salieri Hotel Budapest was an initiative active from 2008 to 2011.Through salierihotel.com (closed in 2012), the exhibitionist couples from all over Europe could enroll in the program and spend a weekend in Budapest with free use of: air travels, limousine service, stay, dine out in exclusive restaurants, guided city tours and (optionally) a transgressive encounter with a pornstar. To achieve these benefits the guests had to release a written permission to be filmed inside their room. The shooting took place day and night with four fixed cameras placed in each room and a secret camera placed behind a fake mirror and were live broadcasting during all the weekend on salierilive.com (closed in 2012). During their stay the guests could choose to face the Mario Salieri game that guaranteed transgression, fun and in some cases, the possibility to win a sum of 1.000.00 Euros to play at the Casino.